Axon Model™
The Axon Model™ is based on Scrum, a framework for developing products and adaptive solutions for complex problems.
Nowadays, software applications and products are continuously developed and not only available offline.

The constant connection to the Internet and network also requires a high level of security.
Since 1970, which was the end of Taylor's Bathtub, we have transitioned into the knowledge and information age. The density of the global market is improving with more individual needs and higher competition. This requires faster development and higher pressure for quicker and higher business value.

With the Axon Model™, we can support you in having the flexibility you need and the current high-security level. With Axon Active, you will get direct access to high-level skilled people, and you can talk and work directly with them all that also follow our philosophy:
" We do what we say, We say what we do."

We see it is vital for your success that you can work quickly and directly with your team to adapt to the fast-growing market. In traditional outsourcing and dedicated teams, the team is based on capacity, not on individuals.
To create successful products, efficient and effective communication is key. Within the Axon Model™, all your team members are real members you can meet and talk to. We also suggest meeting them physically and working closely together, which will make your product development faster and more successful.

Same idea but different result
Axon Model™
You will work as a Product Owner*² and own your Product
Close to the business
You have excellent business understanding
Axon Active will care for your development team so you can focus on your business and your vision. Your team stands behind you and will bring you success.
You can communicate every day with your team, whom you know by name and who understand your business, and who identify with your product and will bring it to your success!
You will get what will solve your problem
Traditional offshore development
You work with the Bridge engineer or project manager, and they translate everything and will plan everything even though not everything is clear and known already.
Your offshore partner is always ready and promises you everything, but you know no one on your team; you also have no idea about security and future scalability.
In a paid capacity, but you don't know who works on your important product.
You get something that will not solve your problem, but that will fulfill the contract.
Axon Model™
The Axon Model™, who will take care of what:

Product Owner*²
You are responsible for building the right things.
You have the best business understanding
You are responsible for building the right things. You know as a customer why something is needed to be developed.
They are your daily contact point, solve your problems, and develop your product.
You will have a real physically stable, dedicated development team you can meet in person.
They take care to build things right.
Squad Leader
Helping the Developer to focus on creating high-value Increments that meet the Definition of Done;
Helping find techniques for effective Product Goal definition and Product Backlog management;
Helping establish empirical product planning for a complex environment; > Working as a Scrum Master*²
Facilitating stakeholder collaboration as requested or needed.
Working and supporting the administration tasks

The Squad Leader Cycle
It is the forum for our Head of Department, Squad Leader, and other stakeholders of Axon Active to achieve the goal of greater business agility for our service and your teams for you.
We can call it the Executive Action Team (EAT)*³
Continuous Improvement and Impediment Removal.
The Business Cycle
It is the forum for the Branch Director and Head of Department as other stakeholders to express their preferences to the PO Team (Customer), negotiate priorities, alter budgets, or realign teams and business to maximize the delivery of value.
We can call it the Executive Meta Scrum Team (EMS)*³
Product Owner Cycle
This is the forum for Product development with the Product Owner and Business Manager of the Customer where they can negotiate priorities and alter budgets to maximize the customer's product value delivery
Product Stakeholder management
Product value delivery management
Software Development Lifecycle ownership

*² based on the official Scrum Guide™ 2020 https://scrumguides.org/scrum-guide.html
*³ based on the official Scrum@Scale® Guide 2022 https://www.scrumatscale.com/scrum-at-scale-guide-online

Axon comes from cell biology. It is a long, slender projection of a nerve cell, or neuron, that typically conducts electrical impulses. The Axon function is to transmit information to different neurons, muscles, and glands. An Axon is part of the essential and necessary communication for successful survival.
Nowadays, with the fast-growing complexity and density, exactly this communication is more than necessary to get a high-quality and successful product in Software development. It is not enough to hire "just" a capacity for software development and let them build it by shipping ideas to the "software capacities" and hoping to get back after a while a fully functional product you asked for. It is important to have the right and successful communication with all your team members, and in Axon Active with the Axon Model™, you have this possibility, like an Axon in your body.